News and Events
Community Managed Infrastructure
For more than 17 years, HDC Nepal has continuously been engaged in the development and implementation of community managed rural infrastructures, such as paved paths, School, health post, drinking water tanks. These infrastructures have benefited more than 1 million people directly.
Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management
Flooding, by far is the most destructive force of nature that causes erosion of agricultural lands and human settlements. HDC Nepal is also a consortium member of LWF funded Nepal Emergency Relief Fund (NERF) since 2007 and also managing warehouse of emergency relief supports of non-food items in Morang, Jhapa.
Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood
Agriculture provides employment opportunities to 66% of the total population and contributes about 36% of the GDP. Therefore the development of the agriculture sector is key to the development of the national economy. HDC Nepal promotes market driven approach to increase incomes and improve livelihoods resource poor and vulnerable communities.