Emergency Disaster Response
Know More About Covid-19
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the disease and how the virus spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by staying at least 1 metre apart from others, wearing a properly fitted mask, and washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub frequently. Get vaccinated when it’s your turn and follow local guidance.
Covid Status of Nepal
‘नोभल’ कोरोना भाइरस के हो?
नोभल कोरोना भाइरस (CoV) कोरोना भाइरसकै एक नयाँ प्रजाति हो। नोभल कोरोनाभाइरसका कारण शुरु भएको रोग चीनको वुहानमा पहिलो पटक पहिचान गरिएको थियो। यसलाई हाल कोरोनाभाइरस रोग २०१९ (अर्थात कोभिड-१९) नामाकरण गरिएको छ जसमा ‘को’ ले कोरोना र ‘भि’ ले भाईरस भन्ने जनाउँछ। यस भन्दा पहिले यो रोगलाई ‘२०१९ नोभल कोरोना भाइरस’ वा ‘२०१९-एन-कोभि (2019-nCoV)’ भन्ने गरिएको थियो। कोभिड-१९ भाइरस एक परिवर्तित स्वरुपको भाइरस हो जसलाई सिभियर एक्युट रेस्पिरेटोरी सिन्ड्रम (सार्स) र सामान्य प्रकारका रूघाखोकीसँग पनि सम्बन्धित मानिएको छ।
कोभिड-१९ कसरी फैलिन्छ?
संक्रमित व्यक्तिसँग प्रत्यक्ष सम्पर्कमा रहँदा तिनबाट (खोक्दा वा हाच्छ्युँ गर्दा) उत्पन्न भएको श्वासप्रश्वासजन्य सूक्ष्म थोपाहरूबाट र भाइरसबाट संक्रमित सतह/वस्तुहरू छुँदा यो भाइरस सर्ने गर्दछ।
कुनै पनि स्थान तथा सतहमा कैयौं घण्टासम्म कोभिड-१९ भाइरस जिवित रहन सक्छ तर सामान्य जिवाणुनाशकको प्रयोगबाट यसलाई मार्न सकिन्छ।
Covid-19 Response
HDC works with the poor and marginalized people of rural Nepal to empower them to meet their basic needs, enhance their livelihoods, and establish their own institutions.
Distribution of food and hygiene kits, under the Preparing and combating impacts of new variants of COVID-19 Project to the COVID-19 affected families in six Municipality Jhapa and Morang District
Distribution of food and hygiene kits, under the Preparing and combating impacts of new variants of COVID-19 Project to the COVID-19 affected families in six Municipality Jhapa and Morang District
Joint Monitoring Visit Dr Suresh Tamang Nepal Country Advisor Give2Asia Director of Give2Asia
Establishment of COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Centres targeting Nepali migrant workers at HDC Office, Birtamod, with the help of Government of Province Koshi Birtamod Municipality Jhapa
Distribution of food and hygiene kits under the Preparing and combating impacts of new variants of COVID-19 Project COVID-19 affected families kits in Kankai Mechinagar Municipality and Biratnagar Metropolitan city
भुइचालो बारे जानौ !
भुईँचालोवा भूकम्प वा भैँचालो भूगर्भीय गडबडीबाट पैदा हुने पृथ्वीको कम्पन हो। पृथ्वीको माथिल्लो भागमा कारणवस पृथ्वीको आन्तरिक ऊर्जा मिश्रित भएर हुन जाने भुथलको कम्पनलाई नै भुईँचालो भनिन्छ। यो कम्पनलाई रेक्टर स्केलमा नापिन्छ। आठ रेक्टर स्केलभन्दा धेरै परिमाणका भुईँचालोलाई ठूला भुईँचालो र त्योभन्दा साना ६ रेक्टर स्केलसम्मका भुईँचालोलाई मझौला भुईँचालो भनिन्छ। त्यस्तै ६ रेक्टर स्केलभन्दा साना चार रेक्टर स्केलसम्मका भुईँचालोलाई साना भुईँचालो भनिन्छ।[१] अधिकांश विध्वंशक भुईँचालोहरू भौगर्भिक चिरामा चट्टान चर्की एकाएक पारस्पारिक विस्थापन हुनाको कारणले हुन्छ।
भुईँचालो जाने प्रक्रिया
जमीनबाट ८० देखि एक सय किलोमिटर तलसम्मको पृथ्वीको माथिल्लो भाग धेरै टुक्रामा विभाजित छ। प्राविधिकहरू यी टुक्रालाई 'टेक्टोनिक प्लेट' भन्छन्। यस्ता प्लेटहरू समुद्रमा डुंगा तैरिरहेजस्तो एस्थेनोस्फेएर मा तैरिएर निश्चित दिशामा हिँडिरहेका छन्। यसरी हिँड्ने क्रममा यस्ता प्लेटहरू कहीँ एक अर्काबाट टाढा जान्छन् भने कहीँ नजिकआएर ठोक्किन्छन्। यसरी प्लेटहरू ठोकिँदा, एक प्लेट अर्कोका मुनि घुस्दा वा घोटिने क्षेत्रमा दबाब सिर्जना हुँदा शक्ति सञ्चय हुँदै जान्छ। केही समयसम्म यस्तो शक्ति सञ्चित भएर रहन्छ, तर जब यस्तो शक्ति उक्त क्षेत्रमा रहेको चट्टानले थाम्ने क्षमताभन्दा बढी हुन्छ, तब पृथ्वीको माथिल्लो तहमा रहेका चट्टानसमेत फोरेर भएभरको ऊर्जा एकैचोटि बाहिर निस्कन्छ। यसरी सयौँ वर्षदेखि सञ्चित ऊर्जा एक्कासि निस्कँदा भुईँचालो जान्छ।
Recent Earthquakes in Nepal
Earthquake Relief
Supported (relief materials distributed) Location: Bheri Municipality-1, Jajarkot district of Nepal.
As per the assessment by HDC Nepal and advice/suggestion of DDMC and Bheri Municipality, HDC Nepal supported the relief materials in Bheri Municipality-1, Jajarkot, Nepal. Because, relief distribution work was carried out in ward 1 and this place was also found severely affected by the earthquake. The residents were forced to take shelter on small tarpaulin sheets temporarily. Some residents were forced to live in their unsafe homes destroyed by the earthquake. Therefore, relief assistance has been provided there. 100 families/households were benefited by the relief support. Food and Non Food Items were distributed to the affected families. The location was selected as per the need, beneficiaries with focus on poverty, remoteness, ethnic diversity and representation of dalits and minority groups who were the most vulnerable.